Christopher Wessler

Christopher Wessler

Owner and Head Nutrition Coach

Run 2 Disney Dopey Challenges

Back Squat 365

Deadlift 460

1:52 ‘Grace’ and 12 mile Army Rucks


Precision Nutrition Level 1

CrossFit Level 2

USAW Level 1

Nutritional Coaching Institute Level 1

About Coach

Growing up, I was not very athletic, though I loved sports, or athletically built. I was consistently the ‘string bean’ in school and was more skinny fat my entire life, up until about 25. I started falling for every ‘myth’ possible and fell for each marketing gimmick known to man; take a fat burner to get leaner (I was 6’2 180), take a mass gainer (without knowing anything about intake), workout 3x a day, Intermittent Fasting, If It Fits Your Macros, Paleo, and every other strategy with promise but no substance. It was not until I started diving deep into nutrition and fitness to see that it was not has hard as it was made out to be. Through proper knowledge and implementation, I gained added the muscle I needed and was able to perform better than I ever thought I could after being at years of a plateau. It was then I realized that so many people were falling victim to bad information and marketing and wasting valuable years feeling good and seeing the results they want.

Turning Point

Seeing someone you love in constant pain and just getting through each day and night just to get by gets tiring for everyone, does it not? I watched for years my mom struggle with constant back, hip, ankle, and neck pain. All she could get herself to do each day was go to work, come home and sit on the couch and watch tv before struggling to get sleep before the next day. She was on 3 prescription medications with no relief in sight. My journey into nutrition and fitness education was only a couple years old but I knew this couldn’t be all for my mom and her life ahead. Through education and small habits, my mom transformed from not working out at all and being on prescription meds to working out 6 days a week (sometimes twice a day), lifting weights, running marathons, and running circles around people half her age currently.

Motivation & Passion

I learned long ago that my WHY in life is to help people feel and become better than they ever imagined they could. Helping people achieve that through nutrition and fitness is the most important place to start since how you feel and move effects every aspect of your life. I want to help 1 million people look feel and perform better than they thought was possible.

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